Minneapolis landlord Mahmood Khan is running out of options to save his rental licenses after losing an appeal in court.
Appeals court rules against Minneapolis landlord Mahmood Khan
City officials began efforts to revoke Khan's licenses more than two years ago.

Khan has been battling the city for years over the licenses on his 42 rental properties, most of which are affordable duplexes and single-family homes scattered around north Minneapolis. Between 2008 and 2015, Khan's properties racked up 3,550 housing violations and garnered more than 2,200 visits from city housing inspectors.
Khan appealed the city's efforts to yank his licenses, and the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled in the city's favor last week. Khan said Monday that he will ask the Minnesota Supreme Court to hear the case.
The city began the process of revoking Khan's licenses in early 2015. The City Council then voted in 2016 to officially pull the licenses, but delayed it until Khan exhausted his appeals.
The revocation is expected to impact the tenants who live in Khan's properties.
"You will have about 300 to 400 people on the streets," Khan said. "If you look at my phone calls, I get at least 20 calls a day [from] people asking for places to rent."
Khan has filed a separate federal lawsuit against the city, saying it is violating the Fair Housing Act by discriminating against a protected class of minority renters. Should the city move forward with the revocation, Khan said he will seek an injunction in federal court.
The city said Monday that it intends to work with the tenants as closely as possible.
"Once we get answers on the court challenge, the City will work with community stakeholders to engage tenants and set dates for vacating properties," city spokesman Casper Hill wrote in an e-mail.
Eric Roper • 612-673-1732
Twitter: @StribRoper