The eagle stars of Minnesota's streaming EagleCam feed could have their first hatchling this weekend.
Action on the EagleCam could be first hatchling this weekend
Based on incubating timeline, first egg for father and mother eagles could hatch Saturday.

"They've been diligently incubating their eggs for nearly a month now. It shouldn't be long before we have chicks," according to the most-recent blog post from the Nongame Wildlife Program of the state Department of Natural Resources.
A chick will break through its egg with what's called an egg tooth, a temporary tool on the bill to break through shell and egg membranes, according to Nongame Wildlife Program specialists. The process can take a few days.
Nongame specialists manage the EagleCam perched above the nest in the metro area. Mother eagle laid her first of three eggs Jan. 28. The parents incubate the eggs for 35 days, meaning the first hatchling is possible Saturday. The parents can be seen taking turns atop the eggs, sitting on a deep pocket in the nest called a bole.
Check for updates on the Nongame Wildlife Program Facebook page.
None of the boat’s occupants, two adults and two juveniles, were wearing life jackets, officials said.