OMG did you know Tim Tebow won a playoff game with the Broncos last year and Peyton Manning didn't this year? Must be because Tebow is a better quarterback.

Or so the dim-witted logic goes.

In any event, Tebow's brother, Peter, took Saturday's stunning Ravens victory as some sort of sign that the Broncos were being paid back for wronging Tim. As if, you know, there is even a question when it comes to the talent of the two QBs. In any event, he unleashed a series of tweets Saturday (spelling Manning's name wrong, by the way) -- and then the inevitable apology today:

The responses ranged from those calling him un-Christian to those agreeing with him. Our favorite was the first one on the "Am I the only one in Denver who's happy right now" tweet: "No way broski I'm so excited."
