Lee Schafer's March 14 column ("Republican hopefuls could look to Rudy") confused me — first, with a headline assuming that candidates with a business background would run as Republicans, and second, with the premise that "a business background isn't always valuable" when running for office. Schafer seems to conclude that voters would rather be fooled by a candidate wearing plaid shirts, using smiley faces and claiming to be a pro wrestling fan.

I submit that honesty is the best policy. If you run a business ethically to benefit the community or state or nation, you ought not need deceptive gimmicks to convince the electorate to vote for you.

The website of the Minnesota Legislature lists occupational categories of its members. It reveals that 88 of the current 201 members of the House and Senate list themselves as having business backgrounds, far more than any other occupational category. Oh, and 54 of these are Republicans. Some 34 seem to be Democrats.

Business appears to be a ticket to office in Minnesota — not a barrier. Being proud of the work you do can be rewarded by voters.

Charlie Bulman, St. Louis Park