With a median age of 42 years old, the people Minnesota's northern Eighth Congressional District boasts the most seasoned population in the state.

By contrast, Minneapolis' Fifth Congressional District has the youngest population -- the median age is just 34 years old.

The figures are contained in a new look-up tool available from the U.S. Census Bureau, which allows quick display of all sorts data about each congressional district.

Use the tool (below) to see that the Fifth District, represented by U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, had a 9.5 percent unemployment rate when the Census Bureau collected its data while U.S. Rep. Tim Walz's southern Minnesota First Congressional District had a 6.1 percent unemployment rate.

Interested in education, housing, marital status or other data? That's all in the tool as well. You can pick which district to look at by clicking 'select a district' in the widget below.

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