Certain customers of a business that "made unfounded claims" that its vacuum cleaners and air filters could turn a house into a virtually germ-free paradise can now expect a breath of fresh air in the form of a settlement check, the Federal Trade Commission announced.

Nashville-based Oreck Corp. claimed one of its "flu fighters," the Halo vacuum, used ultraviolet light to "kill up to 99.9%" of bacteria, viruses, molds and allergens, plus such "dangerous pathogens" as E. coli, salmonella and anthrax, according to an Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint filed against Oreck last year.

Oreck advertised that its ProShield Plus air cleaner used electrostatic charges to kill many of the same bad actors, the complaint said.

Oreck settled with the FTC in 2011 and agreed to pay a $750,000 fine and stop making the claims.

Customers who bought the Halo vacuum, which retailed for $599.95, will receive $25. Those who purchased the $399.95 ProShield Plus air cleaner will get about $24.65.

The FTC reviewed company sales records to identify eligible customers. About 27,300 checks totaling $698,000 are being mailed and may have shown up in mailboxes as early as last week.

Oreck Corp. was founded in 1963 by Duluth native David Oreck.

For questions on the refunds call 877-772-6154.