My blog post yesterday consisted of me trying to figure out how to let go and figure out our life design for the school year next year.

Well, I have a solution. I think I may need to join him and go back to kindergarten myself.

Why? Because, I couldn't for the life of me remember how to make a simple paper snowflake.

You see it was snow week at pre-school and Ben brought home a lovely snowflake.

I said "Hey let's make some more."

It simply involved paper, some folding and scissors. Right? Well, right.

So why did I keep creating one disastrously ugly rectangular snowflake after another?

Ben tried to explain it to me and even tried to draw a step by step diagram in crayon for me.

I still didn't follow.

I must have made hundreds of these when I was a kid. What was I doing wrong?

I gave up and finally ran to the internet - of course.

I realized my problem - the key is you need SQUARE paper not 8.5x11 and there are triangle folds involved.

Here is the post. I found with a helpful video and it all came rushing back to me.

Curbly: How to make picture-perfect snowflakes.

(Actually there are a lot of good craft ideas at that site. Great for cold days like today)

But it makes me wonder, what else am I going to forget and have to re-learn for this whole parenting gig ?