1 Barkley played rugby at the University of Minnesota, earning the nickname "Dancing Bear" for his elusive running style.

2 In his first run for public office in 1992 as an independent candidate for the Sixth District seat, Barkley was endorsed by both Twin Cities dailies and polled 17 percent.

3 Two years ago, en route to visit a friend in Connecticut, Barkley stopped in Washington. Recognizing the former senator, a reporter asked where he was living and Barkley pointed to his car "as a joke." The reporter wrote a story saying Barkley was homeless.

4 After his divorce, Barkley advertised on an online dating service, listing "erotica and skinny-dipping" as "turn-ons." "Hey, I was single again," he says. "I wanted a date. So? I'm human."

5 While Franken and Coleman have raised more than $36 million between them, the most recent records show Barkley raising $56,763.