For 22 years I've been granting or denying hunters access to my small farm in northern Washington County. And for many more years, I've been asking for permission to hunt all across the Midwest. In a long hunting career I've seen hunters who do and hunters who don't get the direct connection between their behavior and their access to private land.

Let's assume you played by all the rules, enjoyed the hunt and now it's time to say thanks. If you've been successful, ask if the landowner would enjoy a share of the harvest. And I'm not talking the minced bluewing teal or the neck meat from your buck. Deliver cleaned, wrapped and labeled game. The best you've got.

A follow up thank you note to your hosts is another good idea. I once sent a photograph of my daughter to a farm couple who hosted her first pheasant hunt. When we returned a year later, I was pleased to see the picture still posted on their refrigerator.

At Christmas time I send poinsettias to the landowners who hosted me during the past fall. Expensive? Yes, but consider the money you have invested in your hunting equipment, dogs, licenses and gas to get to your hunting grounds. A gift to thank the people who provided you a place to hunt is a small part of your overall investment in the sport.