Rep. John Kline joined fellow Minnesotan Michele Bachmann today on the Club for Growth's list of lawmakers who pledge to repeal the health care bill.

Signing the pledge compels representatives to "sponsor and support legislation to repeal any federal health care takeover passed in 2010, and replace it with real reforms that lower health care costs without growing government."

As Kline spokester Troy Young summarized, "Repeal and Replace."

But unlike Bachmann, who prides herself on being the first lawmaker to introduce a "repeal" bill, Kline has not yet signed on to similar legislation, Young said.

That leaves Rep. Erik Paulsen as the lone holdout of the Minnesota Republican delegation on the Club for Growth Pledge.

Perhaps that's because he's focusing his sights a bit narrower, however. On Wednesday afternoon, Paulsen introduced a bill to repeal the health care legislation's tax on medical device makers, which are prevalent in Minnesota.