Mov­ing up

University of Min­ne­so­ta, Roch­es­ter named Lori Carrell chan­cel­lor. Carrell served as in­ter­im chan­cel­lor since Au­gust 2017 and pre­vi­ous­ly was the u­ni­ver­si­ty's vice chan­cel­lor for ac­a­dem­ic af­fairs and stu­dent de­vel­op­ment.

Knut­son Construction, St. Louis Park, named Rob Brem­er di­rec­tor of busi­ness de­vel­op­ment for the Min­ne­ap­olis mar­ket. Brem­er joined the com­pany in 2007 and most re­cent­ly was a pro­ject man­ag­er.

Unit­ed Bank­ers' Bank (UBB), Bloom­ing­ton, named Angela Orcutt ex­ec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent, chief hu­man re­sources of­fi­cer. Orcutt joined the bank in 2010 as a hu­man re­sources gen­er­al­ist. UBB also named Tyson Doke vice pres­i­dent, mar­ket­ing man­ag­er.

On the move

Uponor North America, Apple Valley, named Chad Meyer seni­or di­rec­tor, in­tel­li­gent wa­ter. Meyer was seni­or di­rec­tor of prod­uct man­age­ment for Solera Holdings' Parts Group and worked for Epicor.

Halunen Law, Min­ne­ap­olis, named Ross Stad­heim part­ner. Stad­heim joined the firm in 2011.

Fredrikson & Byron, Min­ne­ap­olis, named Kurt Rempe seni­or as­so­ci­ate. Rempe was an as­so­ci­ate for Foley & Lard­ner and worked for the Federal Energy Reg­u­la­to­ry Commission.

People Inc., Mendota Heights, named Gary Nor­man vice pres­i­dent of op­er­ations. Nor­man worked for Carv­er County Health and Hu­man Services, University of Min­ne­so­ta Physicians and Thrive Be­hav­ior­al Network.

Clar­i­ty Cov­er­dale Fury, Min­ne­ap­olis, named Phil Rademacher dig­i­tal be­hav­ior strat­e­gist.

On the board

Hazelden Bet­ty Ford Foundation, Center City, named Bill Parker to the board. Parker is vice chair­man and chief risk of­fi­cer for U.S. Ban­corp and serves on the boards for Ord­way Center for the Per­form­ing Arts, Como Friends and Summit Academy.

A­mer­i­can Board of Em­er­gen­cy Medicine named Fe­lix Ankel to the board. Ankel is vice pres­i­dent for health pro­fes­sions ed­u­ca­tion for HealthPartners Institute.

PR Consultants Group named Gary Young pres­i­dent. Young is prin­ci­pal of Gary Young Ink.