Hey, you know what New York needs? A big park, right in the middle! I was down in some place called So-How, or something, and we were drinking and having a great time, but it was all dense and bricky 'n' stuff. New York really needs a park, like, one that's Central. In related news, a Slate writer in Washington DC decides to tell Dinkytown what it needs:

Personally, I think the building should have been approved, but I don't live there anymore. His larger point is also correct: Dinkytown should be a nice dense thriving part of a nice dense thriving city, which thrives, densely. Why, if only someone was building something like this, say, between 35W and the 10th Avenue bridge . . .

And if only across the street there was a recent addition to the venerable Florence Court . . .

. . . or a block of flats by Sanford Hall . . .

. . . or a block on the old Gopher Towing site . . .

. . . or a block next to the Dinkytown Dome . . .

. . . or a massive residential complex down on 14th . . .

. . . or a complex on 4th street at the fridge of the Dtown core . . .

. . . or a new residential block rising on the old church site kittycorner from the Birchwoods . . .

. . . or an enormous building going up on the John Marshall site right across from the controversial project.

If only! To be fair, not all of those are easily seen from a bar in Dinkytown.