Today's viral thing is a note posted on a Texas restaurant door. It's here. It contains bad language, so you'll have to choose to look at it. It's a going-out-of-business sign that says, in essence, you stupid rednecks have no appreciation of good food.

In somewhat saltier sentiments.

This site says "don't know if it's real, but here it is," and then people debate whether it's Photoshopped. Proof: it's behind glass! Paper isn't reflective! Yes, kids, remember: when trying to decide if something is Photoshopped, take advice from people who have never spent more than ten minutes with Photoshop.

Gawker seems to think it's real, and again: it's behind the glass, people! They point to the restaurant's Facebook page, where the owners posted an update this morning: "Don't believe all you see and hear folks!" That's not exactly a strong denial.

But. Let's take a look at the restaurant's location on Google Street View:

Let's turn around 180 degrees.

Does that match the reflection? Sort of. But the second view is on the other side of an interstate. Turn the first view around 180 degrees to see what you'd get if you stood by the restaurant door and turned around. I don't know; isn't conclusive one way or the other.

As for Photoshopping something so it looks like it's behind glass:

That took me five minutes.Take the original, copy it, put the letter on top of it, paste the original over that, and set the transparency low.

Not photoshopped: the restaurant's own pictures of their food.

Some photoshopping might have helped.

ARCHITORTURE The next thing about which you should worry and be outraged and adopt an air of cynical contempt: skyscrapers aren't telling the truth about their height.

And it goes on to call out the worst offenders; the Burj Khalifa in Dubai has almost 30% of its space devoted to non-useful sky-poking floors. No one will ever live or work up there.

So what?

The author notes that the early 20th century skyscraper competitions in the US produced some "vanity" space in the Empire State Building and the Chrysler. These buildings are now - what's the word, class? Everyone together - ICONIC, so no one's complaining. But these recent buildings are wasteful! and deserve to be chided. In related news: there's a non-profit that tracks skyscrapers? Yes - and they're the ones who say how tall something is, no matter what someone else might say. The site had some pictures of recent award-winning buildings, and I was struck by these enormous slabs of butter holding up a boomerang laden with salad:

GREEK YOGURT UPDATE They haven't made Motor oil with Greek Yogurt or Round-up Herbicide with Greek Yogurt, but give them time. Meanwhile:

Be sure to hit the comments, where people get mad at total strangers over their food choices. Stop liking what you like if I don't like it! Just stop!

In related news, the Wall Street Journal notes the effect Greek Yogurt is having on customer choice:

It'll pass. Meanwhile, expect more. Is it in shampoo yet? Not yet. But soon.