Here are some key features of the proposed Minneapolis teachers contract:

• Four more days in the classroom , with a commitment to discuss adding five more in the following year. Forty-hour duty week, up by 1.25 hours.

• Teachers in six low-performing schools show up for training four days earlier next fall, while those at 10 other schools vote on doing so.

• Class-size targets of 21 students in grades kindergarten through third grade and 24 in grades four and five for low-performing schools.

• Higher pay for beginning teachers, paid for by changes in how fast older teachers can get raises for experience and training.

• Mutual consent required to assign teachers to low-performing schools if they're not assigned through normal placement.

• Changes to help teachers focus on teaching: two guaranteed 45-minute periods each week outside of class time for teacher prep; ombudsman to handle textbook or supply shortages; review of student assessments and outmoded initiatives.