How long can you gaze into the maddeningly oblique soul of a chicken? The Egotist describes the poultry-gazing app:

This is your enemy.

I lasted 117 seconds, because I got bored.

Likewise, I got 67 letters as a Pony Express rider yesterday, and then I gave up because it was 11:50 PM and I realized I had spent the last fifteen minutes running into cactuses.

MEDIA Hope everyone on Periscope enjoyed watching Ame of Thron. Daily Dot:

Of course not, but if you're willing to watch grainy shaky hand-held portrait-view picture-phone images instead of shelling out for HD widescreen, you're probably not the people to whom they wish to sell the show. Movies are next, of course. People who can't get into the first showing of the new Star Wars movie will sit in their cars in the parking lot and watch it on Periscope.

SCIENCE Lots of interesting things going on out in the inky depths. There's the mystery of Ceres' Two Dots, and the mysterious Fast Radio Bursts, which could be an alien signal. And now we have color pictures of Pluto! BBC:

Or we would, if it hadn't been demoted. Anyway, we'll have to take their word for it, and assume this is indeed poor Pluto:

They'll get better as the ship gets closer. Takes a while to send the info back to Earth. It's like sending "War and Peace" via Morse Code with a second between each tap of the key.