If they re-release "Bernie" on DVD, they'll need to reshoot the ending. He's out of jail now - and living in Richard Linklater's garage.

That's from the Texas Monthly account of the story, written by the fellow who's been following the story for years and co-wrote the screenplay.

APPS I used to use Move to track daily activity. No more. Facebook bought the app, and hello, look at these changes to the EULA, reported by TUAW:

The privacy agreement is here. The rating on the App store is now at 1 and a half stars, with 70 reviews giving it one star. Brutal. Wonder if they'll sue the bad reviewers?

Probably not, but one router company experienced the Streisand Effect when it went after a bad reviewer, and as Daily Dot notes, the device's Amazon page is awash with over 2,000 . . . salty evaluations.

WEB There's no absolute Worst Website in the World. Some are bad because they're pretentious; some are bad because they're incomprehensible; some are bad in a charming, nostalgic way because they haven't changed since the days of GeoCities. This BuzzFeed piece on "20 Hilariously Terrible Corporate Websites" introduced many to Superior Web Solutions (link at the BuzzFeed piece) which you might enjoy exploring at your leisure. There's the Nightclub ad for an imaginary energy drink:

The nonexistent also has its own page to highlight their ad skills:

But once you've finished that, compare to The Afterlife, which is an entirely different level of peculiar.

Now, the GIF of the nightclub scene, because it would have been cruel to put it in the middle of the piece.