Two Chorus Girls in "The Heart Breakers" at the Shubert
This Week are Perfect in Their Proportions.

Maudie Smith (Both images here are from Minneapolis Tribune microfilm) Girls, run and get your tape measure. Then all your worries will be ended – or begun. That one absorbing question, Are you beautiful? has been worrying the fair sex ever since Adam and Eve took their first moonlight excursion through the Garden of Eden. Now, listen, girls, two young ladies of the chorus of the "Heart Breakers," the latest musical comedy at the Shubert this week, helped to solve this momentous question. Up in Cambridge, Mass., which is near enough to Boston to have absorbed most of the braininess without the beans, lives a beauty doctor, Dr. Blanche A. Denig by name. This summer while visiting friends in Chicago, she was introduced to Manager Mort H. Singer, and was invited by him to witness a rehearsal of the "Heart Breakers" at the Princess theater, which was then in the process of construction. When the chorus appeared in the first act, in the number "Some Golden Day," Dr. Blanche became somewhat excited and grabbing Mr. Singer by the arm, said: "Who are those two girls on either end?" Mr. Singer, who is noted for his knowledge of chorus girls, replied: "The one on the right is Maude Smith and the other Murelle MacKay, two of my oldest and best girls." Dr. Blanche said: "I must measure these girls after they are through and have their photos, if what I think is true." "This somewhat excited Mr. Singer's curiosity and he promised her he could do so. Dr. Blanche A. Denig's requirements are as follows:

Murelle (or, as the original caption says, Durrelle) MacKay Weight – 115 pounds. Height – 5 feet 5 inches. Waist – 29 inches. Bust – 34 inches. Hips – 39 inches. Ankle – 8 inches. Wrist – 6 inches. Fat – 28 pounds. Skin – 10 pounds. After the rehearsal was over, Dr. Blanche went back and explaining to the girls what she wanted, measured both the young ladies and, strange as it may seem, both girls, no relation to each other in any way, measured exactly alike and also to the requirements of the doctor. Now, girls, get your tape and do likewise, and if you want to see the exact woman according to this noted Bostonese doctor, go and see the "Heart Breakers" and see Miss Smith and Miss MacKay. The above pictures were posed by the two young ladies for Dr. Denig, and if you will note in the poses the perfect wrist, bust and waist of Miss Smith and the ideal contour of head, arm, and neck of Miss MacKay. These young ladies were both artists' models in Chicago before going upon the stage.