A Danish beer company is toasting creativity.

It's part of a marketing campaign inspired by a study that found that drinking increases creativity — at least, at first. The effect exists only until the drinker's blood alcohol level reaches 0.075 percent; after that, things start going downhill fast.

Demonstrating their own creativity — which we can only assume was influenced by their product — the marketing gurus for Rocket Brewing came up with the idea for Problem Solver beer. It comes with a guide on the bottle for how many ounces should be consumed (based on the drinker's weight) to achieve optimum creativity.

The beer is not available in the United States, but it doesn't matter. Despite what the ads would like us to believe, there's no creativity genie in the Problem Solver bottle.

In fact, the study, which was done in 2012 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, involved vodka. But any booze would have sufficed, according to the study's lead author, psychology Prof. Jennifer Wiley.

In layman's terms, the researchers discovered that getting a little mentally fuzzy around the edges can enhance creative thinking by freeing the brain from methodical thought processes.

However, Wiley warned, there was an extremely narrow line between alcohol levels that boosted creativity and those that affected the drinker's ability to function. Just a couple of extra sips can turn a visionary brain into cerebral mush.

And then there are drunken-driving laws, which in Minnesota kick in at a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent. If you're considering testing the Problem Solver theory, you might want to use that extra creativity to figure out a way to get someone to drive you home. □